Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dengan menu Bergizi Pencegah Stunting Berbahan dasar Pangan Lokal

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dengan menu Bergizi Pencegah Stunting Berbahan dasar Pangan Lokal


  • Rita Ariesta universitas la tansa Mashiro
  • Maryana Universitas La Tansa Mashiro
  • dwi apriyanti Universitas La Tansa Mashiro


One indicator of public health in a country is the maternal mortality rate (MMR). A high MMR can increase social costs such as health services and reduce family income and productivity. Maternal mortality reflects risks during pregnancy and postpartum that are influenced by nutritional status, socioeconomic conditions, pre-pregnancy health, complications, and the availability and use of health services. Pregnancy increases energy and nutrient requirements. Nutritional deficiencies, such as Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED), are common among pregnant women, causing maternal and fetal health problems (Teguh et al., 2019). Anemia in pregnant women is also a serious problem with the main factor being iron deficiency (Rahayu, 2019). WHO reported the prevalence of SEZ in pregnant women globally was 38%, while in Indonesia 19.7% in 2018 decreased to 18.2% in 2019 (Ministry of Health, 2020). This study used the literature review method and program implementation in Cijoro Lebak Village and Puskesmas Rangkasbitung. Activities included counseling on SEZ, cooking demonstrations of Moringa Leaf Noodles and Catfish Nuggets, making case recapitulation reports, counseling on anemia and SEZ, providing food supplements, and following up on Hb, BW, and LILA of pregnant women. Results showed an increase in Hb and BW, but nutritional status based on LILA has not changed. Local foods, rich in iron, vitamins, and minerals, can increase Hb levels in the short term. However, improving the nutritional status of pregnant women requires more time and continuous assistance for significant results.




