The Author Guidelines

  1. The submission has not been previously published in full text or apart of it.
  2. The submission is original, neither a compilation nor a translation.
  3. For manuscript in Bahasa Indonesia, please use "Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia (PUEBI)" as can be download here.
  4. Manner of writing the complete article can refer to the template which you can contact 087772706700 or
  5. After that you can download the template, the authors do not need to change paper margin size, because of the size of the margin already in accordance with the standard A4 paper size.
  6. Empirical research-based manuscript use formats: Introduction, Research Method, Results and Discussions, Conclusions.
    • Introduction: consist of backgroung problem, briefly literature review, research question, and research objective.
    • Research Method: consist type of research, subject and object, data collection techniques, data analysis technique, location and time of research.
    • Result and Discussion: contains brief data presentation, analysis and research findings that contribute to mathematics education. It contains the analysis based on the research question. Its also contains of the understanding of the findings and the comparison with the theory and/or similar research.
    • Conclusion: the conclusion is not a summary of the manuscript. Conclusion part consists of the answer of the research question(s) or the main points of discussion.
  7. Manuscript must be submited via Open Journal System (OJS).
    • Firstly, the author should register as either an author or reviewer (checking role as author or reviewer) in the Register. 
    • After the registration step is completed, log in as an author, click in "New Submission". The article submission stage consists of five stages, such as: (1). Start, (2). Upload Submission, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Upload Supplementary Files, (5). Confirmation.
    • In the "Start" column, chose Journal Section (Full Article), check all the checklists.
    • In the "Upload Submission" Columns, upload the manuscript files in Ms. Word format in this column.
    • In the "Enter Metadata" columns, fill in with all the author data and affiliation. Including the Article Title, Abstract and Indexing Keywords.
    • In the "Confirmation" columns, if the data you entered are all correct already, then click "Finish Submission".
    • If the author has difficulties in the submission process through the online system, please contact editorial team at
  8. The incoming manuscript will check the similarity using "Plagiarism Checker X" with a maximum tolerance of 30%. If the results show more than 30%, the manuscript will be returned to be improved by the author.
  9. Jurnal EMAS ABDI : Eliminasi Masalah Kesehatan Melalui Pengabdian Masyarakat using American Psychological Association (APA) style 7th edition for bibliography and citation.