Based on the data obtained in the field can be seen indication that the performance of employees of PT Rimbawood Arsilestari not fully in accordance with the expected. It is probably related to two factors: leadership style and interpersonal communication.In conception the authors apply several theories and concepts related to research variables from some experts such as Brindusa Maria POPA, Cooper Donald, Colquitt, Lepine and Wesson, Frecilia Nanda Melvani, Hina fayyaz, Riffat naheed and Ameer Hasan, and other experts . In order to explain the relationship of independent variables are leadership style and interpersonal communication and dependent variable is performance.The research method used quantitative survey by using correlational analysis technique, the data obtained based on the questionnaire answers were analyzed by statistical correlation technique of product moment pearson to know the relation between independent variable that is leadership style and interpersonal communication and dependent variable that is performance.The results showed that there is a positive relationship between the independent variables and dependent variables, to be more detailed as follows:Leadership style directly related positive to performance, obtained correlation coefficient ß1 of 0.431. price tcount 3.822> ttable (α = 0.05; 67) 1.996, meaning that the more effective style of leadership will be more efficient performance. Interpersonal communication directly related positive to performance, obtained correlation coefficient ß2 of 0.430. price tcount 3.815> ttable (α = 0.05; 67) 1.996, meaning the more effective interpersonal communication will be more effective performance. Leadership style and Interpersonal Communication together directly related positively to performance, obtained correlation coefficient β12 of 0,559. price Fhitung 31.068Ftabel 3.140, meaning the more effective style of leadership and interpersonal communication will be more effective and efficient performance.In an effort to improve employee performance PT Rimbawood Arsilestari in Kab. Attack, the researcher's suggestions are: (i) It is better for the corporate leader to be open to problems encountered and perceived by the journalist and to be active in finding solutions to any problems (ii) in delivering direction and policies on work and tasks as clear and as detailed as possible (iii) should create a conducive working situation by opening up effective communication of employees.References
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