Plagiarism Screening

Plagiarism Policy
Manuscripts submitted to JSAB will undergo a plagiarism check using Turnitin plagiarism detection tools. The journal will promptly reject papers that exhibit plagiarism or self-plagiarism. Before sending articles to reviewers, authors are responsible for conducting an initial check for similarity/plagiarism. Manuscripts submitted to JSAB should have a similarity level of less than 25%.

Plagiarism encompasses various forms of representing another person's thoughts or words as one's own, whether through direct copying, partial copying, or paraphrasing, without proper permission, attribution, or acknowledgment of the original source. To assess potential instances of plagiarism, we consider the following scenarios:

Literal copying: This involves reproducing another author's work word-for-word, in part or in full, without authorization, proper attribution, or citation. Detection of this practice is achieved by comparing the original source with the manuscript suspected of plagiarism.
Substantial copying: Substantial copying entails an author replicating a significant portion of another author's work without obtaining permission, providing due credit, or citing the source. The term "substantial" can refer to both the quality and quantity of the copied content, taking into account its relative value within the entire work.
Paraphrasing: Paraphrasing involves taking ideas, words, or phrases from a source and rephrasing them into new sentences within the manuscript. This practice becomes unethical when the author fails to adequately cite or acknowledge the original work or author. Identifying this form of plagiarism can be more challenging.