Jurnal Universitas La Tansa Mashiro




  • Aksioma Ad Diniyah : The Indonesian Journal Of Islamic Studies

    The Aksioma Ad-diniyah Journal is managed by the STAI La Tansa Mashiro, Major of Indonesian Islamic Education and published by LPPM STAI La Tansa Mashiro.

    Aksioma Ad Diniyah : The Indonesian Journal Studies Of Islamic is journal that is published twice a year, every June and Desember.

    Journal Title Aksioma Ad Diniyah
    Abbreviation Aksioma Ad Diniyah
    Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
    ISSN 2721-3579 (online) | 2337-6104 (Print)
    Editor in Chief Noorma Yunia
    Publisher STAI La Tansa Mashiro
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar Garuda Sinta 5

    Aksioma Ad Diniyah : The Indonesian Journal Studies Of Islamic is a peer-reviewed journal, published twice a year [June and December] by LPPM STAI La Tansa Mashiro, Indonesia. This journal is available online as an open-access source as well as a printed version. This Journal also will publish research articles, 5 (five) until 7 (seven) articles per issue in the field of Islamic Education, include: Media Pembelajaran, Strategi Pembelajaran, Akhlak Tasawuf

  • Emas Abdi: Eliminasi Masalah Kesehatan melalui Pengabdian Masyarakat

    EMAS ABDI : Eliminasi Masalah Kesehatan Melalui Pengabdian Masyarakat is a community service journal published by the Faculty of Health, La Tansa Mashiro University.

    EMAS ABDI is a health-focused electronic journal published by the faculty of health of la tansa mashiro university.

    Journal Title EMAS ABDI
    Abbreviation EMAS ABDI
    Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
    Editor in Chief Anis Ervina
    Publisher Universitas La Tansa Mashiro

    EMAS ABDI is journal that is published twice a year, every June and Desember. The Community Health Service Journal is a platform for publishing community service activities aimed at improving public health and well-being. This journal is open to articles describing field experiences, program evaluations, literature reviews, and policy analyses relevant to community service in the health sector. Each published article is expected to contribute significantly to improving the quality of life through effective and evidence-based health interventions.

  • Perennial : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi dan Biologi

    Perennial Journal is an electronic journal published by FKIP Universitas La Tansa Mashiro.

    Journal Title PERENNIAL
    Abbreviation PERENNIAL
    Frequency 2 issues per year (Augst and December)
    ISSN 2723 -8113 (online)
    Editor in Chief Furniawan
    Publisher Universitas La Tansa Mashiro
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar Garuda 

    Perennial is journal that is published twice a year, every Augst and Desember. Perennial journal publishes research issues on biology education. Author can be lecturer, teacher, researcher, and even student. The focus and scope published a scientific paper on the results of the study/research and review of the literature in the sphere of biology education includes learning strategies/methods/models, learning media, learning Assessment,teaching materials, curriculum education, teacher professional development, modern biology education content and environment. All articles sent to this journal must have never been published or sent to other journals.


    Geomath Journal is an electronic journal published by FKIP Universitas La Tansa Mashiro.

    Journal Title GEOMATH
    Abbreviation GEOMATH
    Frequency 2 issues per year (May and December)
    ISSN 2722-2551 (online)
    Editor in Chief Furniawan
    Publisher Universitas La Tansa Mashiro
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar Garuda Sinta 5

    GEOMATH is journal that is published twice a year, every May and Desember. Geomath journal publishes research issues on mathematics education. Author can be lecturer, teacher, researcher, and even student. Our publication could be research on teaching method, experiment of teaching aid or media, even effectiveness of lesson plan and ways to incorporate such concerns into instructional programs, as well as reviews of books and classroom technology products, the latest research results in mathematics learning and evaluation. We accept any manuscript derived from research of mathematics education. We will not process manuscript from research approach of school management. All articles sent to this journal must have never been published or sent to other journals.

  • English Didactic

    English Didactic is a journal that publishes original research ideas in the field of English Language Teaching. This journal is published biannually by Universitas La Tansa Mashiro, Rangkasbitung every June and December. The scope of the journal consists of

    1. English Language Teaching,
    2. Critical Discourse Analysis in Language Education,
    3. Literature for ELT,
    4. Teaching English to Young Learners.

    All articles sent to this journal must have never been published or sent to other journals.

    e-ISSN  : 2716-4349


    The Aksioma Al-Asas Journal is managed by the STAI La Tansa Mashiro Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD) Study Program and published by LPPM STAI La Tansa Mashiro.

    Journal Title Aksioma Al-Asas
    Abbreviation Aksioma Al-Asas
    Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
    ISSN 2775-9881 (online) | 2797-9253 (Print)
    Editor in Chief Noorma Yunia
    Publisher STAI La Tansa Mashiro
    Citation Analysis Garuda | Google ScholarCopernicus

    Aksioma Al-Asas is journal that is published twice a year, every June and DesemberJurnal Aksioma Al-Asas: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini is research, study and analysis related to early childhood include; development of moral and religious values, physical motor development, emotional social development, cognitive development, language development, artistic and creative development, parenting, parenting, management institution of early childhood education, early child development assessment, child development psychology, child empowerment, learning strategy, Educational tool play, instructional media, innovation in early childhood education and various fields related to Early Childhood Education.

  • Aksioma Al-Musaqoh

    Aksiomal Al-Musaqoh Journal is an electronic journal published by STAI La Tansa Mashiro.

    Journal Title AKSIOMA AL-MUSAQOH
    Abbreviation JAM
    Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
    Editor in Chief Siti Nurul Aprida
    Publisher La Tansa Mashiro
    ISSN 2721-2947 
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda

    Aksioma Al-Musaqoh : Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Studies managed by the Islamic Economics Study Program STAI La Tansa Mashiro Rangkasbitung. Published twice a year, in June and December.

    The journal focuses on providing quality research in Islamic economics, banking and finance. This journal aims to cover topics that are important in modern Islamic economics and finance. The language used is Indonesian. The editor invites researchers, lecturers, reviewers, industry practitioners and observers to contribute.

    P-ISSN : 2721-2947   |   E-ISSN : 2797-3816

  • Jurnal Studia Akuntansi dan Bisnis (The Indonesian Journal of Management & Accounting)

    The Journal of Accounting and Business Studies is published by the La Tansa Mashiro School of Economics (STIE). This journal is a combination of the Undergraduate Program Journal with the name StakeholderS (ISSN 1978-0648) and the Postgraduate Program Journal with the name Echo (ISSN 2089-1253). Since Volume I Number 1 April 2013, as the inaugural issue, this periodical has changed its name to the Journal of Accounting and Business Studies. The frequency of publication is Two times a year, namely in June and December. E-ISSN : 2807-2804 P-ISSN : 2337-6112 


    Jurnal Studia Akuntansi dan Bisnis (The Indonesian Journal of  Management & Accounting) has been ACCREDITED at rank 5th (Sinta 5) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Indonesia


  • Jurnal Obstretika Scienta

    Obstretika Scientia is an electronic journal published by Faculty of Health, La Tansa Mashiro University.

    Journal Title Obstretika Scientia
    Abbreviation Obstretika Scientia
    Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
    ISSN 2716-4330 (online) | 2337-6120 (Print)
    Editor in Chief Anis Ervina
    Publisher Universitas La Tansa Mashiro
    Citation Analysis Garuda Copernicus

    Obstretika Scientia is journal that is published twice a year, every June and Desember. Obstretika Scientia journal has a focus and scope in the field of midwifery study program science including maternal and child health starting from adolescence, Premarital and preconception, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Lactation, Newborns, Infants and Toddlers, Reproductive health, Gynecology, Maternal emergencies, Neonatal emergencies, Contraception, Family Planning, Menopause, Health and midwifery service policies, Midwifery education, Midwifery care service management, Community Midwifery.

  • The Asia Pacific Journal of Management Studies

    Faculty of Economic and Business (FEB) La Tansa Mashiro, first publish Journal of “The Asia Pacific Journal of Management Studies”. Frequency of issue: three times a year in April, August, and December. The Asia Pacific Journal of Management published by the Faculty of Economic and Business (FEB) La Tansa Mashiro with E-ISSN 2502-7050 P-ISSN 2407-6325.

    Focus and Scope The Asia Pacific of Management Studies (APJMS) with relevant field of study, with the dissemination of research results, and covers all disciplines related to the study of every aspect of accounting and business (economics).  in the fields of accounting and business management (business: marketing management, financial management, human resource management, strategic management, operations management).

    The Asia Pacific Journal of Management Studies (APJMS) is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Indonesia, No. 225/E/KPT/2022 (Nov. 30, 2022). The Asia Pacific Journal of Management Studies (APJMS) has been ACCREDITED at rank 5th (Sinta 5) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Indonesia according to the Decree (SK) No. 225/E/KPT/2022 . It is valid from Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022) until Vol. 13 No. 2 (2026) based on that certificate.

  • E-Journal Studia Manajemen

    E-Journal Studia Manajemen

    Jurnal  yang berfokus pada pengembangan ilmu manajemen dan aplikasi praktisnya dalam dunia bisnis dan organisasi. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menjadi media publikasi yang berkontribusi dalam penyebaran pengetahuan, teori, dan praktik terkini di bidang manajemen, baik pada tingkat lokal, nasional, maupun global.

    Ruang lingkup jurnal ini mencakup berbagai topik terkait manajemen, antara lain:

    • Manajemen strategis
    • Manajemen sumber daya manusia
    • Manajemen operasional dan rantai pasok
    • Manajemen keuangan dan akuntansi manajerial
    • Manajemen inovasi dan kewirausahaan
    • Manajemen risiko dan keberlanjutan
    • Kepemimpinan dan perilaku organisasi
    • Manajemen pemasaran dan pengambilan keputusan pelanggan
    • Manajemen teknologi

    Jurnal ini menerima artikel penelitian asli, tinjauan literatur, studi kasus, serta ulasan konseptual yang relevan dengan fokus dan ruang lingkupnya. Dengan standar peer-review, serta memastikan setiap artikel yang diterbitkan memiliki kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pengembangan ilmu manajemen dan aplikasinya.

    Jurnal ini diterbitkan secara berkala dan terbuka untuk para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, serta mahasiswa yang ingin berbagi wawasan dan inovasi di bidang manajemen.