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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Manuscripts are written either in Indonesian or English.
  • All manuscripts are typed 1.5 spaces with New Roman 12 font on A4 paper (size 210 x 297 mm) and use the following margins: top (4 cm); left (4 cm); bottom (3 cm); and right (3 cm).
  • Manuscripts are accompanied by an abstract in English and Indonesian, except for English texts where an abstract in English is sufficient. 1.15 spaces. Abstract of about 100-150 words.
  • The composition of the manuscript is as follows: Title, Author, Author's Email, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Implications and Conclusion, and References.
  • The content is organized as follows: INTRODUCTION about 7 pages (describing the problem, problem formulation, main objectives, theoretical studies, hypotheses if any); RESEARCH METHODS about 3 pages (describing research methods, sampling techniques, instrument development, data analysis techniques); RESULTS and DISCUSSION about 12 pages (research results, results of hypothesis testing (quantitative), findings from the study (qualitative) and discussion); Implications and Conclusions about 2 pages; References (including in-text references).
  • Manuscripts should be accompanied by the author's address and a brief biography.
  • References using APA style, with references published 10 years earlier
  • Manuscripts are submitted in Doc, PDF, or RTF format

Author Guidelines

  1. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian and English.

  2. All manuscripts are typed 1.5 spaces with Times New Roman 12pt font on A4 paper (size 210 x 297 mm) and use the following margins: Top (4 cm); left (4 cm); bottom (3 cm); and right (3 cm)

  3. The manuscript is accompanied by an abstract in English and Indonesian, except for the English text which is simply an abstract in English spaced 1.15pt. The abstract is about 100-150 words.

  4. The arrangement of the manuscript is as follows: Title, Author, Author's Email, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Implications and Conclusion, and References.

  5. The content is organized as follows: INTRODUCTION about 7 pages (describing the problem, problem formulation, main objectives, theoretical studies, hypotheses if any); RESEARCH METHODS about 3 pages (describing research methods, sampling techniques, instrument development, data analysis techniques); RESULTS and DISCUSSION about 12 pages (research results, results of hypothesis testing (quantitative), findings from the study (qualitative) and discussion); Implications and Conclusions about 2 pages; References (including in-text references).

  6. Article Submissions should be accompanied by the address and a brief biography of the author.

  7. All manuscripts submitted can be done by e-mail or post, accompanied by a soft copy to the address: Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) Universitas La Tansa Mashiro, Jl. Soekarno-Hatta, Pasir Jati Rangkasbitung, 42317. Tel (0252) 207163. Email:

  8. All manuscripts that have been submitted to the journal will be reviewed by the editor. All manuscripts submitted to the journal will be reviewed by the editors. If the research focus is sufficient and appropriate, it will go to the vetting process. Critical manuscripts are evaluated by at least three reviewers. Accepted manuscripts are usually returned to the authors for consideration of comments and criticisms. After that, the author, sends back the adjusted manuscript, then the manuscript is carried out for the publication process.

  9. References use endnote style, with references published 10 years earlier. With the following:

  • In-text citations: When citing information, views, or opinions of an author, the author's name is listed by the year of publication in parentheses. The author's name must be included in the Reference. Example: (Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson, 2008)
  • While a second source text is where the author does not read the source but reads from another source (second source) that cites the source. Example: ". ... A study by Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson, (2008), as cited in Dahuri, et al (2009), says ..."
  • And if the expression is from several sources, all references in the text can be written using parentheses lined with semi-columns. Example: (Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson, 2008; Robbins & Hakim, 2007)
  • Book References: Last name, first name of the author. Year of publication. Title of the book. City of publication: Publisher. Example: Ivancevich, John M., Robert Konopaske, and Michael T. Matteson. 2008. Organizational Behaviour and Management. Singapore: McGraw-Hill International
  • From Journal: author's last name, first name. Year of publication. "Article title", journal name, volume (number of the journal): pages. Example: Rehman Shams Ur, et al. "Perceived Leadership Style and Organisational Commitment Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol 4, No 1, 2012. pp... 616-626
  • From a thesis or dissertation: Last name, first Author's name Year of publication Title of thesis/dissertation Doctoral Dissertation or Master's Thesis name of college, city or country Example: ..... Cahyono, Dwi 2008. Perceived Environmental Uncertainty, Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict as Mediation between Mentoring Programme Job Satisfaction, and Job Achievement Want to Move: Empirical Study on the Environment of Public Accounting Firm (KAP) large Doctoral dissertation Semarang: Diponegoro University
  • From the website: Institution or Organisation Name Year. The title refers to information written in italics Location on the Internet URL address, and date of access Example:... Australian Survey and Land Information Group 1995. Products and Services, 12 November 2010

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